Kayla Knight

Broker | (541) 670-9762 | kaylaknight.realestate@gmail.com

I was raised in Myrtle Creek, Oregon and have strong family ties within the local community. I graduated from South Umpqua High School in 2011 and attended college at Linn Benton and Umpqua Community College. In college I focused on taking classes for Early Childhood Education. After 2 years, I decided on a different career choice and focused on Business Management and Real Estate to become a Licensed Realtor. I have spent time marketing local businesses throughout the community and worked in the timber industry for 5 years. With over 12 years in customer service, my goal has been to help bring joy to people in our community. I want you to feel like we have been friends for a lifetime when we work together to find your dream home. When I am not working, I like to read a good book, spend time with my husband and kids and go on little adventures with my family. I love to bake and my specialty is anything sourdough. I am eager to get my real estate business up and thriving, I look forward to being your future Realtor.

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